- Basics of Mammalian Cell Culture Technique (5 days)
- Basics of Plant Biotechnology (5 days)
- Basics of Mammalian Cell Culture Technique and Plant biotechnology (10 days)
- Mammalian Cell Culture Technique (10 days)
- Plant Biotechnology (10 days)
Double Diplomas programme
The Double Diploma programme is the initiative allowing students to obtain 2 diplomas of 2 different universities (VMU and its partner university) during single study cycle.
VMU, via strategic alliances with certain Lithuanian and international academic partners, offers to outstanding students the possibility to follow a double diploma-programme. It gives them the opportunity to follow part of their program at a partner university and benefit from a complementary education certified by a double diploma degree, recognized in both their country of origin and host country.
The Double Diploma programme offers students the possibility:
- to spend the first year at their home university, acquiring core knowledge and skills, and
- to specialize in their field of interest while attending the second year at one of the foreign host institutions.
Credits and examinations completed at the partner university will be recognized by VMU (and vice versa). Provided that both institutions' academic requirements have been met, students of the Double Degree programs on Applied Biotechnology will receive Master of Science degree from both their home and the partner institutions.
Current Double Diplomas:
Currently, Double diplomas within Applied Biotechnology programme is offered only to students of specialization Plant (Horticulture, Agriculture and Forest) Biotechnology in cooperation with the following international universities:
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
M. Kozybaev North Kazakhstan State University (Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan)
To be eligible for obtaining Double diplomas, a student must spend one semester (30 ECTS) at other institution and prepare his/her Master thesis (30 ECTS) at one institution, with a co-supervisors from the other one.